Blepharoplasty / Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty, also known as an eye lift, is a procedure to correct the sagging or drooping of the eyelids and the removal of excess fat, skin, and muscle. As we age, it is common to see a difference in their eye area — more laxity, bags below and above the eye; sometimes so much that the upper lid seems to disappear underneath the extra fatty area under the brow bone. Even with good skincare and eye care, wrinkles, puffiness and drooping eyelids will catch up to you. Genetic factors and body chemistry can cause these aging effects in younger people. Blepharoplasty can give a more youthful appearance to an otherwise older, more tired looking, face.

Chart Showing the Blepharoplasty Process

Blepharoplasty surgery can also treat a medical condition called ptosis (drooping eyelid), which is caused by poor muscle tone or nerve damage. Ptosis causes the eyelids to hang very low and block vision.

Blepharoplasty treats drooping eyelids, but not drooping eyebrows or wrinkles. Blepharoplasty is often performed with another cosmetic surgery such as a brow lift or facelift to improve droopy eyebrows, crow’s feet, and facial sagging.

There are two types of blepharoplasty: Upper eyelid blepharoplasty and Lower Eyelid blepharoplasty. The upper lid blepharoplasty removes excess skin, fat and/or muscle from the upper lid. The goal of a lower lid blepharoplasty is to remove excess bags and sometimes trip some skin at the lash line to tighten the under-eye skin.

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Surgeries are performed in our on-site surgery center, Reeves Surgery Center. Patients can take advantage of our convenient facility, on an outpatient facility. Reeves Eye Surgery Center is owned and operated by Donny L. Reeves, M.D.

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Reeves Surgery Center was founded by Donny Reeves, M.D. Dr. Reeves is a Board Certified Ophthalmologist who has been practicing in the Tri-Cities since 2004.

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